How do y'all like Win or Lose,and what is your favorite character?(so far)
What's the video that's best for the beginners? Most upvoted comment wins!
So I want to play hard time 3 but it show this so what should I do
The new sml Cody birthday video is straight up weird
Here's your new Shrek yall
started watching wwe, gimme 5 wrestlers to make fanart of!
Name the tag team
who are your favorite wrestlers?
A B C or D
Is Cody Rhodes a boring champion?
Pu these 3 in a room who's coming out alive?
What is one way WWE can ruin this match?
Can someone tell me why people hate Cody and Jey so much?
Tell me your favourite Toy Story song (apart from you gotta friend in me)
WHO was the very first to get you into PRO WRESTLING?
Now Timmy won, this is the last one, who is a horrible person but hated by fans
Who was the worst rumble winner? I'll go first. (Don't say jey)
On a scale from 1-10; how pissed were you that THIS wasn't our Rumble entrant #30?!
Shouldn't of won the Royal rumble
No way this is real
Does anybody Remember Makes Bad Decisions Guy?
What are your opinions on the 2025 Royal Rumble?
How do you feel about this?