Do all babies look like this?
Wanting to Learn in London
What code name do you have for the lesions?
Coach has baby
Mastermind T-shirt
Mastermind shirt!! Where can I find this?? Looked everywhere can’t see it being sold at all :(
help with poor instructions
creepy smiles
i wish there were other couples
Looks like Dean wasn’t the only one in ER
s6 ep18 what if kirk ran luke’s diner
What moment do you always laugh at?
10yr old healed piercing dry for seemingly no reason?
first lobes on each ear are red and extremely dry
Dry flakey skin around healed lobe piercing
Why can’t I get engaged? We have full romance bar
Reporting to the master of arsenal?
Is anyone else able to progress in school??
Sim is randomly pregnant??
bikini over leggings.. so fashionable
did a child make these??
Don showed up super juiced to his wedding does this happen to all noncommittal sims?
i’m tired of this i don’t want to be forced to give my sim a tiny nose to wear the rings
no idea if these tweets are about the same thing but it made me laugh
How will this affect lebrons legacy?