This is exactly what we're all thinking
What is your preferred split/border, in your opinion?
Season Pass cards ruining competitive snap?
What are Aragorns weaknesses/faults/shortcomings?
Bro won and retreated.
I just got Galactus recently, sadly I'm struggling to build the best Galactus seck. Could use to some help from the the Galactus mains out there!
You were right. I was wrong. I'm retreating.
Updated the game and the title is different now. Is everyone seeing this?
WWIII is closer than ever
SD are chads for quickly banning problem cards in Sanctum in the OTA update!
Pro Tip: Trick To Fast-Track Sanctum Card Acquisition
I love seeing all the guardian decks in Sanctum
Every single deck I’ve played in Sanctum is mill.
Why Sam Wilson is busted (The Shield)
Are adjusted split rates active yet? (less rays etc.)
I climbed 10-100 with this Galactus deck
For some reason you can't move Sam and then his shield
Cosmic+Cosmic Death
TIL That you can enter 1st person view in a minotaur (thanks, I hate it)...
Am I getting anywhere here or am I just in an infinite loop?
[Megathread] Referral Code Sharing and Closed Beta Code Giveaways
4 out of 5 games are vs Sam Wilson decks
Why didn't Captain Marvel move?
If I had a dollar for everytime Iron Patriot gave me this...