Most beautiful trails in the Pinelands
Anyone know of any wooded areas with dense tall trees?
I would like to create a very soft large orange glowing orb mid air in a photograph. Any ideas how I could achieve this? (besides photoshop)
AIO for not quitting the gym because my boyfriend told me to
Recommends for songs about heartbreak when you are still in love with the person?
Heartbreak songs but you are still in love with them?
People want my photos, should I get paid?
Does anyone know of any good spots to find dense, tall woods?
Photographer: Summer Wagner
What can I change to give this photo a more surrealist feel
Best dependable news sources?
Anything that needs changing in this photo?
A chameleon
Does anyone know how the photographer lit this?
What do you think?
What kind of feelings does this evoke?
ITAP of our first night in Tokyo [Portrait]
Water drops. Looking to learn
Leica M6, Leica Summilux 50mm f1.4, Budachrome Night Shift 500T @ 800
Which carrying bag do I need to bring around three AD200s?
What can I do to improve this photo I want to create a surrealist feel
Don't tell them I'm already sharing a pic 📸🤫
AIO to my boyfriend praising the president?
How to achieve this painterly look? How to light their faces?