Offering GBL Pokémon and Looking for Mirror
Looking for some D/G Max & Legendaries. Offering some shiny and non shiny legendaries.
How many of these do you keep?
Looking for top offering bottom
looking for my true love, offering below
Looking for Top, Offering Below.
What's next for Pokemon Go?
LF Shiny Kyurem with special bg, FT picture below (I can use a lucky trinket)
Looking for mirror trades offering below
Looking for GBL mons and Offering GBL mons [Picture below]
Stacking Activities to power up Mons
Looking for above, offering below and beside. All Kyurems including shiny have BG and Glaciate
Looking for Shiny Legendaries (2019 or older) Offering Below, I have a lot more so if there’s something you’re looking for lmk
httpx or aiohttp for async HTTP requests in a performance-critical project?
LF picture below; FT below ( read description )
Looking for shiny zorua, offering below. 30d
Suspected Scammer Callout Megathread
Looking for below offering guaranteed Luckys below
Looking for and Offering below!
Looking for / Offering All legendaries except cosmog line are from 2019.
Can you guys guess my favorite pokemon 🧐
Looking for vullaby, offering vullaby
FINAlLY got all 151!
Offering guaranteed lucky Pokémon and Looking for picture below (Can Fly)
Looking for shiny necrozma, offering 2018 guaranteed lucky