Ascended warriors is OP?
For farming unbelievers (industrial governor)
Governor income
Fastest units
Natural regeneration bugged in combat?
Claim umbral provinces without outpost
Battle spells discount cap?
Noob needs some help. (only 70 hours) How do I get more combat spell points?
Grant a searched wonder to vassal?
All defenders with damage reflection 90%?
Umbral Abyss Wonders
Why is Knowledge considered the best resource?
What Affinity should I go for?
How do you gain affinity aside from Tomes?
Farm renown with own units?
PSA feudal LORD'S MANOR do not boost new governor incomes and esentialy just give 10 food and money
-80% Unit Upkeep, but not getting 80%
Hero only army build
Special forces 6 hero pack
AOW4 is really good
Animal dragon stack is a pro (upkeep 0%)?
Why is Feudal considered the weakest culture in Age of Wonders 4?
Artillery Cover
What do you think my son's future will be?
Favourite ambitions for ruler and heroes