Bought this baby brand new sealed for $150 on eBay that has 120gb and I’m in love! ❤️❤️❤️
By looking at the front you can easily identify what kind of Nokia model the person is using 😁
Original Nokia battery sealed. Released year 2000. So vintage!
This Nokia Barbie flip phone is running on 4g/5g. It’s a basic phone with browser connectivity. Wi-Fi connects, what do you think?
Bought this baby January this year. Just a basic but modernized version of Nokia X Barbie collaboration with Wi-Fi and google app features. What do you think?
Another Nokia luxury phone. The Nokia 8210/8260 from AT&T (no SIM card) After 26 years released 1999 still works perfectly
Before iPhone this Nokia 8890 was a status symbol of luxury and still works after 25 years
SIM card rejected on my Nokia 3330
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