The hate on cancer men?
Really want to buy this but it also creeps me out 😨
as your zodiac sign, which mbti are you?
3-card & 5-card in depth LOVE & CAREER readings!
Which sun and moon sign is this 🙈
Their Sun Sign♈️♉️♊️♋️♌️...
Interpretation help please
Interpretation help about my job situation.
Free Card Pull
Tarot reading reviews
10-15 free readings
Had this gem pop up when I opened IG. Why does she have a child-sized torso??
Pick a Card ✨💫✨
Water signs raising Air signs
comment your venus/rising and i’ll tell you what’s an attractive trait you have
Free readings so I can practice 😊
Cancer sun, Leo rising
What experience with what sign made you hesitant about getting close to another person of the same sign?
Free yes/no reading (27 spots)
Do I have a chance with my crush?
Free Reading for The first 30 People 🔮🔮❤️🔥
Free Yes/No OR One card Pull
Pick a Number🍭🍯🍨
Offering free three card readings. Comment with your question and your name/initial and I will choose 3 people to do a reading for.
"Weekly Reading and Interpretation Help Thread - February 16, 2025"