Quitting Job Without One Lined Up
Manulife insurance - are surgical stockings the same as compression stockings?
Burnout and leaving corporate?
Are we all just miserable?
Penis size and sexual pleasure
When you fantasize about men, what kind of scenarios do you usually imagine?
100k is the new 60k
What happens when you send a letter to Santa? [ca]
Mortgage Free! Now what?
Will Canada's perception of immigrants ever go back to normal?
Is $1 million even "rich" anymore?
Best Way to Borrow Money
If you have kids: how are you setting them up for financial success?
What's the most money you made from a not-regular job/activity?
What’s the lowest-paying job you’ve ever had, and how did you make it work?
How is this normal?
CIBC underwriter ridiculous documents
Layoff with notice period - renewal
How did you gain financial literacy?
Corporate life - switch jobs before bonus payout?
What is the most unfortunate last name you've seen someone have?
I’m in love with my best friend
Happy hormones in the first 2 years - my 2.5yo is giving me depression
Triumphant Thursday Thread for the Week
I feel like I’m useless and in the way of everyone