Is it just my imagination or is there like a sudden surge of indian minimarts popping up every 100m
Wow inflation is real huh
obese & want to start gymming (ActiveSG)
Best halal chicken rice in Singapore?
Cheapest pizza in SG? Need to feed 40-50 kids
Pinnacle@Duxton flat bought for $378k 15 years ago sold for $1.5m
Lunch at BeerThai House @ City Gate
Appreciation post
Does this subreddit have people above 30 years old
Reasons why you considered leaving a gym and reasons why you stayed
As SG guys , How are Malaysian Girls as Gf ?
To INTJ singles out there
What is the thing that you absolutely hate to do
Do we have to wear head dress on public transport
Packed a lunch for my sister today
what do you pair with the Gardenia raisin loaf?
McDonald's Hashbrown
Do you adjust your home clock to be faster than the actual time?
Offline Love (オフラインラブ) - Episode 1 to 10 - Complete - 250218
What is this black stuff on the bottom of my bowl?
Fellow INTJs, are you a glass half full or half empty, kind of person?
Where can i rest while waiting for hotel check-in?
Where can I rest while waiting for hotel check-in?