What the hell is all this bitching about ?!
After cb ill have 1755 rds could i gurantee shiryu amd be good for 6.5 ani plz and thank you 🙏
Are they overcompensating for Whitebeard with Kuzan?
Am I reading correctly? If I purchase this I'll get 1 4* orb and 2 3* orb per day for 14 days?
Maintanence IS DONE
Am I cooked for the the new shiryu or will there be tickets for purchase?
tf you mean this mf can use garps gauge and shanks trait ko at same time ,get the hell outta here
Aura farming opposite Punk hazard
Lucci question
Getting close to 1k gems who's the better investment blue kaido or roger?
L sponsored stream
How many rds can I save for next anni ? 🥲
Expensive Luffy Buff
I hope I can hold on
So what’s the counter play against this team?
RDs till June
Best red elements
Should I roll for shanks or Odin banner?
Will Shanks return again anytime in this year?
The Goat
Got my goat to 6 stars after half a year. Any tips?
Am I set for April fools?
How many rds would i have by 6.5 anni?(I have 550 rn)
First time playing casual and something told me to check everyone 😭😭😭
Is Akainu stronger than Garp after the buff ?