LF: Chinese Event Meltan FT: 4 of my shinies below (or 2:1 if you choose legendaries)
FT: 2 of my Shinies for 1 of Yours, LF: Listed Shinies
FT: shinies LF: Gen 8 and Gen 9 shinies
Is this legit? Did I get ripped off
Trading cloned shiny baby mons, lmk if interested
LF: Gouging Fire FT: shinies
FT: Self Caught Iron Crown and Iron Boulder LF: Shinies, (only willing to trade each for a number of shinies!)
LF offers FT Legit pokemon
FT: Shiny Community Day Feucoco LF: Gen 8 or Gen 9 Shinies
LF: Chinese event Meltan! (1st pic) FT: Event pokemon, Pogo shinies (including shiny PoGo Meltan), and other shinies. Willing to trade more than one for it (depending on which pokemon)
LF: Chinese event Meltan!!! (1st pic) FT: Event pokemon, Pogo shinies (including shiny PoGo Meltan), and other shinies
LF: Chinese event Meltan (1st pic) FT: Event pokemon, Pogo shinies (including shiny PoGo Meltan), and other shinies
Do you guys use Go Stamped pokemon in your living dex?
Lf bdsp origin mons ft shinies in pics, check description
LF: 3× Community Day Shiny Sprigiti (or it's evolutions) FT: older community day shinies
Interactive Mandelbulb - 3D fractal AV @spiraldiver
two mythical island secret missions
This was a full game in a THANKS lobby....
LF: Iron Boulder and Calyrex FT: Pics
FT: PoGo shiny Meltan (custom OT available too) LF: Chinese event Meltan. Open to Shiny legends pogo offers
My collection of every single shiny legendary and mythical pokemon with all variations (except shaymin! Desperately looking for one)
LF: Hayley Phione event and the new Chinese Meltan. FT: I have a number of shinies available to trade
Personally, which pokemon from gen 1-7 do you think needs be saved before Bank shuts down?