People who moved to Linux, what are your experiences?
Everyone will now
$2K MRR in 2 Weeks
Just got my first customer. What color Lambo should I get?
To gaslight Hitler
What tech stack do you use to build your SaaS?
We need such Stickers/Labels for products or, even better, shelves in supermarkets
Best AI top tools? Code Review Bot
After canceling Amazon Prime, I now order from alternative EU-based retailers. The first items arrived yesterday :)
Ist das ein Scam? Ungefragt positive Fake Google Reviews
First page of the Economy section of tomorrow's SZ, a leading German newspaper
Eine Frage: Warum?
To teach France a lesson about ‘Whisky’ and ‘Champagne’
Just launched a Free App to delete duplicate photos on iPhone with Ai. NO PRO plan until 1M users. Smart or dumb? 🤔
Generate Cool Coloring Pages with AI
Italy upside down Mondelez products at Conad (local chain)
Went to my local supermarket today (Germany)
An official European Citizens' Initiative could be started to have the European Commission consider the establishment of the MADE IN EU label. 1 million signatures would be need across the EU
With Love from Canada. Our stores appear to be increasing European sourcing.
to not be butthurt about the memes
Need a VPS for hosting a website / app?
Bye bye Garmin, hello Polar (from Finland)
I'm going on an AI detox, wish me luck
Spain turning Non EU products upside down on shelves in shops as a form of boycott
Let me share this little satisfaction - Re: Amazon