Reddit removing nonviolent comments for “threats of violence”
Where do I get a custom subreddit banner made?
Important Updates to Reddit's Messaging System for Mods and Developers
Sh.Reddit data on admin-removed content is inflated & misleading. Comparing Reddit's admin-mod congruence data to my own analysis.
Reddit's upvote warnings need more transparency and an appeal option!
Total Failure of Admins to Address CSAM
testing scheduled posts
Can no longer edit my sub's scheduled posts (the button to submit is faded) - Is there a workaround for this?
Where do we go to request a new type of automod rule to be implemented?
Scheduled post failed to submit
Optional body text is now available on all post types on desktop — yet we STILL don't have a sub setting to disable it for image/link posts
Sub is access restricted
Post/comments get removed by Reddit for seemingly no reason
Update on the Sudden Upvotes Situation
Whenever people mass edit their comments to replace them with gibberish, it trips the reddit abuse & harassment filter and puts them all in the modqueue for me to approve/remove
Android freeze
servers are down (IOS /All devices)
servers are down
"Sorry, nobody on Reddit goes by that name. my own account." on my own profile
Lots of Mod Tool Errors this morning
Sudden Surge in Upvotes on Comments, but Not on the Post.
Can't go to my new subreddit using the app on android, any help?
r/changeofperspective, android, i am unable to access my community