Two Thousand Maniacs! (1964) - YEEEEEE-HAW!
76 degrees in March?!
Most terrifying Giallo film?
Rip Dean Stockwell. “In My Dreams” scene from Blue Velvet changed my life
Jerry Seinfeld
Piped Fish Fritters (15th c.)
If you’re in my room you’re always being filmed.
The Last Drive In with Joe Bob Briggs returns March 7 with The Phantom of the Opera!
Blood Feast (1963) and Two Thousand Maniacs (1964) are must-watch movies for horror fans
Oh George Pourgie
Dishes Invented In Michigan Restaurants?
[Homemade] Mini salmon coulibiac
Was watching ESPN 30 for 30 about Reggie Miller vs Knicks, look who was at game 7.
Modern horror scenes that are definitely in the Horror Hall of Fame?
I got to page 170 and for the life I me, I couldn’t finish The Only Good Indians.
[Homemade] Red beans and rice Fried chicken, sweet cornbread and collard greens.
I watched about 50 horror movies this Halloween season. Here is the list of each of them as well as a ranking of my favorite top seven.
Have you ever had a horror movie crush?
Scariest movies with no gore
Our favorite horror movies of every year: 1987
Shaky shaky
Meilleurs restaurants classiques provençales ou maghrébins à Marseille et Aix? Best classic or North African restaurants in Marseille and Aix?
Insufferable Cheryl
Daniela Melchior
Or maybe he’s dead