This stray dog has been attending all the protests held in Istanbul recently
What’s going on here
Fix my feeder mess
What is this silver rectangular thingy on the inside of this laptop?
What is this inside a closet. Nothing on the outside.
Update on bumblefoot
I have a runt!
Hen or Roo?
Snow Angel in NW Florida
Let me see your meat flaps
This morning’s marathon!!
Help diagnosing foot injury?
Appreciation post
If I mix wood ash into some dirt for a dust bath, will it turn to lye and burn my chickens if it rains?
Found chicken #2
Water Fire Shield Training
Riverbed find in Western Tennessee
Found this little girl, facing a dilemma
The Art and the Artists
Got a dozen eggs from a friend today.
Is this real or AI generated?
My thoughts on Romania.
A hawk is after our Mc Nuggets. What can we do about this?
Vet Visit for BuckBuck?
Decline in product..