roommate assignment
How to know which advisor I have?
What colleges did you get into and which one did you commit to?
Class of 2028! Drop your favorite musical artist and the college you committed to!
music FOCUS cluster
What colleges are YOU rejecting?
NC State vs Duke CS help decide
Duke vs Penn?
ISEF ruined my life and now I don't know what to do
how to have a normal pre med life
What was your most shocking acceptance?
I'm nosy c/o 2028, where were you ACCEPTED?
just declined my upenn offer
idk about how to feel going away from home
Is non-Wharton UPenn still worth it?
How much context do admissions officers look at?
Starting a Non-profit Website as a Junior (Solely Donations)
recording studio at duke
brown rescinded in school
duke vs upenn
How cooked am I?
duke or carnegie mellon for cs?
Does the Highschool I go to matter? Im upset now…
Anyone here make it to a fairly good school doing “normal” stuff?
appeal denied