Can released from jail today
Are any band members from Boundaries straight edge?
Can was released from jail today
Mouth For War with Life Cycles And No Cure On select dates
Boundaries AMA
My biggest one yet! (Second pic for US ;))
Amazonian. They get bigger every flush.
[actives] Big Thiccy B+
First time grower, have no idea what’s going on and I just want happy mushrooms, what do you think about this?
First of the harvest. This thing is massive!
Can someone help me out here I woke up this morning and picked a few that were fully matured in this area and then I realize that it’s looking a little unusual with the color and the thick white on the substrate. Anybody else think this might be his contamination?
Hey y’all, how much weight y’all think this bag will be dry?
Be honest, yall think my girlfriend will notice the new tent in our dining room?
[Actives] Supposed to be GT but don't know what is it is. Update 1.
First time grower. Is this good growth or the bad stuff? Reishi LC to WBS on September 2. Two jars of lions mane the same time but they hardly show growth. Are lions mane slow colonizers?
[Actives] Has anyone seen this before? Its been 23 days since inoculation. I shook the jars after 9-10 days. Only the first couple inches are fully colonized. The lower portion doesn't seem to have any new growth. There also seems to be some light pink spots in the mycelium. B+s. Thanks!
First post ever... Pulled this monster from an overdue PE mono tub... 240g wet 😳
MY FIRST EVER! Accidentally pulled the other little guy with it but I wanted to be careful
All five other jars are 80-90% colonized except this one. What should I do? [General]
2nd flush made some way bigger fruits !! Gotta get some of these guys out of here today
Any tips on popcorn tek ? I’m thinking about switching to that method but I’m hesitant.
Is this jar enough to colonize a lasagna tray ? I had 2 but one contamed on me
How do these guys look?💥🍄 APE 🦍🍄
Any tips on FAE in a Martha tent ? I live in a very dry area so I am hesitant on making FAE holes I am just curious if anyone has any experience/ ideas?
My first go at the shoebox tek, day 5 in fruiting conditions, Treasure Coast mushrooms. Got some fuzzy feet but besides that I think we’re looking pretty good