opiate shits feel like anal rape
I’m a weightlifter who uses marijuana as a way to recover and reduce soreness. Is this a bad use of it?
opioids vs weed? which has stronger head high
What activities do you guys do on benzodiazepines
Whats with drugs like dph
Life sucks being sober
Can anyone identify these drugs
What is the likelihood my daughter's boyfriends parents are heroin users?
Why do people do fent?
Does this mythical drug exist…?
Quaalude Trial Sample Pack
To all the Drug Dads (and former Drug-using Dads, I guess), I have some questions...
How long would a brick of coke last and stay fully potent?
Age of average user
Don’t inhale deodorant etc
I wish I listened to you guys
robotabs are so bad i might stop this drug
Question about xenon
7oh hate...why is it so much
Will the hospital help me?
Does anybody else not really get much out of Valium?
What Would You Do If You Could Dial Back 5-10 Years?
What’s the worst trip you’ve had on DPH/Benadryl
brain damage
Took 7 srips of Valium