Believe The Hype About Sweatshop Speed!
Any eta on Geissele 11.5 URGI uppers?
Hey, guys! I've been working on the site some and I need your help and feedback :)
Thanks Sol for the great service!!!
Any chance those QDC CRS PRT 5.56 suppressors will come back on sale again?
Got the CRS a year ago. She’s been good to me!
My collection at 23 years old
CompMag for MARS-H or Defender H
Quick Range Sesh
Best place to buy my first LMT?
Combat training in cow country, just like the simulations
Legitimate Geissele Charging Handle?
Thanks sol!
Bought a camera for photography for the first time. This is kinda fun ;)
KAC 7.62 CQB info
Legit or fake?
Thanks @presampledepot
SR-15 Lowers! Limit 1 per person, family, household, relationship, etc. Thank you! PW: phillyphilly
LMT MARS-H 20″ 7.62/.308 DMR MLOK Rifle
Geissele Super Duty Pistol 11.5″ Black, in Stock ETA?
Thanks Sol!
[ACC] Surefire X300U-A Ultra Weapon Light, Black, Picatinny - $249.99 + s/t
Good Deal or Wait for holiday Deals