HELP ME I need help here (what is wrong with my aim)
Finally got my first 4k
Which Country has the Best Version of the Show?
What are these Paypal Live Feeds I'm seeing ?
Links open App Store instead of installed app. When is Apple going to fix this?
Which different countries TheVoice besides USA are ur favorites?
Release Time?
Thoughts about Philips NeoPix 230 Smart ?
Name of hip hop song from a meme. Not for any particular reason other than I can't find it
Which legend is the hardest to 1v1?
Ipad no longer connecting to hotspot from Iphone
Yo ima tweak tf out
Ever wondered why viego is called the ruined king?
Safari randomly changed colour of text to orange? How to change it back to default blue and purple when clicked?
Which champions you think are coming next? Who do you want?
When would the next warzone/resurgence ranked be available to play?
This is insane. You could probably build a brand new character with these passives alone with no ult and tactical and it would still be playable. Something needs to go, and I really want it to be 2x bonus to small meds and shields.
What are some other games like Witcher 3?
Campaign on veteran bug?
Did the akimbo mozams just get nerfed?
Thoughts on E-district?
how did xin get the mvp?
Plat lobby btw
Kayle’s strongest lane is jg despite jg nerfs. I hope they don’t nerf her TT
Devastating way to lose a 1v3