What is this black metal strip that turned up in the boot of the car?
Best solution for Unsolved Mysteries Amazon Re-release
Is it normal for Plex to use full CPU power even when it's HW transcoding?
Best home streamer for Plex?
Plex Still Showing Trailers Under Extras Even With All Trailer Settings Of
When sorting by new episodes added, Buzzcocks and Resident Alien constantly show as most recent added episodes despite not having new episodes adding for weeks. Any ideas why Plex keeps thinking this is the case?
I found one 💀. This game is 100% not worth this.
I'm back with another overpriced Silent Hill game lmao
They gave this to me
What are some games you got for cheap back in the day that are now expensive?
Terry Pratchett Paperback Black Editions
Movie about girl who kills by having sex
Neill Blomkamp's Alien 5 - Worth an Audio Drama Adaptation?
Does anyone know where to buy/watch Kaidan Shinmimibukuro with subtitles
"Collections" tab in Movies library is showing ALL movies, not just collection items?
Standard OMG Please Help request - cannot get any imdb_list statements to work...
How were you introduced to Portishead?
Added series - missing one season
I need a good horror film
Need help finding a specific sketch - "Everybody Knew Who Everybody Was"
How to find what files aren't being picked up by Plex?
14 years down the drain!
The Madden of Video Apps
Is this a decent external hard drive for storing movies/tv shows on? I am on my PC.