Insight/recommendations needed!
What is the best sitcom ever?
But what about rural people?
Camera catches home invasion taking place.
What's the best American rock band of all time?
Is the SVAL or the AUR A1 better
New player looking for community servers
A badass Special Education teacher tackled a dog who mauled 12 children in an elementary school.
This game soo fun.
The plane I’m in is super foggy for some reason
A 20 year old has been charged with murder during a Brisbane food court fight that led to a stabbing.
[OC] Robert (Bobby) E. Crimo III arrested after mass shooting in Highland Park, IL (July 4, 2022)
While Dying Children Called 911 for Help, 19 Uvalde Police Waited in the Hallway. For 45 Minutes.
Spotters should not be able to kick snipers from their team. It's annoying when your spotter leaves and a new spotter joins my squad only to kick me and lock it. it's infuriating.
Help! Comms bugged since update
[Entry Thread #75] It’s loving season, but not all of us have lovers. To make up for it, we’re making a millionaire out of the entries, so leave a comment to enter!
Steam VR on quest 2 without a good pc?
I'm Sorry!
We went from hundreds of members online at a time to maybe 50 max...if that tells you the current state of the game
Worst gun in the game?
Activity level down