Favorite sounds/moments from the record?
John Singer Sargent - Tyrolese Interior (1915)
Francis Bacon - Portrait of Man with Glasses III (1963)
Mk.gee mentioned on Rick Ruben podcast.
Some campus photos I took
Mk.gee style arrangement
Fell asleep in my Slowdive shirt and woke up in Slomo.
Fell asleep in my Led Zeppelin shirt and woke up in Kashmir
I designed and got a Mk.gee tattoo!
What’s the lighting setup on these?
What are some of your favorite quotes/passages?
Jai paul and mkgee track would go insanely hard
Some tour pics
I saw Justice Breyer at Whole Foods
Some good remixes i found on Soundcloud
Pep gestures 6 Premier League titles in response to Liverpool fans
Y’all should check this out… very Two Star
my trip to new york summed up on two rolls of Kodak Gold 200
Antonio Conte: "They're used to it here. Don't play for something important. They don't want to play under pressure. They don't want to play under stress. Tottenham's story is this. 20 years there is the owner & they never won something. Why?"
Best Position ever achieved of each nation at the Asian Cup ( 1956-2019)
[Game Thread] TCU vs. Kansas State (12:00 PM ET)
CBS/Paramount+ announce their plans for their UEFA Champions League coverage for this season, which includes the hiring of Ray Hudson to commentate on matches
Ted Kennedy Jr.’s Wedding in 1993, with security guards in Nantucket Reds