In which ways are you exactly the same as your 13 year old self?
What are these white dots on B+ caps?
What are the best shows to watch when you’re going through a hard time?
Adelaide cyclists
What seems easy but is actually very hard to do?
What’s one thing you did that helped you lose weight?
Which band or singer has many songs that always sound the same?
A cool guide to everything that Amazon owns
What’s something that can easily ruin a good night’s sleep for you?
What's a small decision you made that accidentally changed the entire course of your life?
What is something that you're very proud of?
Mildly Infuriating
What is the best documentary you have seen?
What's a very normal thing that weirdly creeps you out?
Whats on thing you want eradicated from the world?
What’s the best place for fig picking in Adelaide/Adelaide Hills?
What’s the most addictive game you’ve ever played?
Butter blended with poison
What is your favorite thing about yourself?
The touching of other worlds
Increase in beer prices in pubs and restaurants
What is your favorite band?
What’s one habit people think is normal but you find secretly disgusting?
Is my Ready Rice ready?!?!
What's a compliment you were given that was basically an insult?