Motion Blur when moving head
Raise your hand if you've ever forgotten that models with the visibility turned off in Chitubox still get printed... pretty amazed this printed successfully! What's your craziest printing accident that actually worked?
People can now survive 100 days with titanium hearts, if they worked indefinitely - how much might they extend human lifespan?
Do we think any of the Apostles or prophets may have had autism to some degree?
Any suggestions to keep these corners down?
Quest 3 PCVR an Absolute Nightmare - Any Tips?
Another PSVR2 vs Quest 3 post...(sorry)
Tonen på brugt-markedet
What's a Movie That Blew You Away But no one Talks About??
PSVR 2 performance
Im in the Market for a new one!!! Suggestions?
Looking for a small printer
Printing Question
New VR FPS Game - Forefront Announcement Trailer
Lunar hæver priserne på erhvervskonti - hvor utilfreds er du?
Parts height Changing
How is my layout?
Should I buy Contractors Showdown : ExfilZone or Ghosts of Tabor?
PSVR2's momentum on Steam seems to have completely stop for months
What did you think about the book Ready Player One? I was so engrossed by all the amazing video game nostalgia, but the writing was just awful.
Why are all resin printers build volumes so small? I don't print miniatures. I want functional products.
Using the RUSSELs in HL:Alyx
Stormland, Edge of Nowhere, and Feral Rites are now relisted on Meta's PC storefront
Need help please!
I accidentally mixed 2 difrent resins