Any suggestions to keep these corners down?
I'm a noob building a custom stenography keyboard.
Updates won’t work
Steam Deck OLED left stick makes a clicking noise when rotating the stick
Designed a Dual screen bracket for the steamdeck!
Help with Focus or silenced calls
/r/MechanicalKeyboards Ask ANY Keyboard question, get an answer (February 07, 2024)
Can anyone tell me where the delete key is on this thing? Or how to program one?
Showing a prior response in an “ask for input” command
Adding multiple inputs to numbers spreadsheet/table
Building a shortcut to add to a Numbers spreadsheet
It sure doesn't
I made a backspacer for the Urban EDC Supply Monaco. Great knife with the clip off! Perfect for fidgety hands.
Five tribes to unite to back Joy Hofmeister for governor
pokemon uranium version on Steam Deck. it feels so natural, it was interesting to set up on Linux but here we are!
Kettlebell Discussion Thread - May 25-26, 2022
My sister collects csgo knifes
Family Photo
Chronic pain and physical activity survey (18+)
This was disgusting!
Easily, the best play I’ve ever made!
Bent clips from GCN on the yootoobs
Holt Haptic under $800??? Plus a BEANZZZZ
Proud of this lower elo split
Anybody willing to try?