Parkway Drive Horizons
MIDI keyboard brand
Witch Foil
Lights covering Sarah McLachlan... Oooh that outfit
First box of sorcery.
albums like siberia?
tour! which show(s) are you going to?
Real talk on VIP. Would love your opinions.
voices carry (ded version) is the saddest song i’ve ever heard
Cold arms.. buuutt
LIGHTS new post teasing stuff from A6
music videos
I know I am supposed to be excited about the new album but...
Magic the gathering
A6 Songs (So Far) Not Great.
do you think lights being named lights affected her popularity
Meet and greet?
Looking for a super niche photo of Lights. She’s in a winter coat with a fur hood (similar to the one below here) yet she’s covered in snow/frost and looks totally frozen. Did I make it up?
Holy Shit Architects Rips!!!