Well that hurts
And this is all i‘ve got
My hunt is already finished?
Yet another one??
I can not believe my luck
3 big birds
Big carnivine
Another Shalpha from the highlands
Another day, another shalpha
I was afraid that it was despawned because of daytime, but luckily…
Had to reset this one because it looks so amazing
This Challenge was so fun to do. Leave me comments on which static alpha in each area i should hunt for.
[Gen 8] My Static Shiny Alpha Map Quest is finished!! It took me 8 days with 4-6 hours of playtime each day. Which Static Alphas should I hunt for my next Static Alpha Map Quest?
Evolved these lovelies today...
Give Away: Mythicals and Legendaries
Need some nicknames
Spare Shinies/Legends Giveaway (See Comment Below)
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