[Request] Looking for rappers and producers for a rap collective
Starting a group of rappers and producers
Trying to make a group
[Start] Want to make a band
What does man on the moon 1 + 2 mean to you
Does anyone else get a rush from killing off a character?
Am I fuelling my sadness and heartbreak by listening to blonde on repeat again?
Happy Mental Health Awareness Month!! Here's my true story. We struggle and get better together.
Always sunny is the best, please feel free to comment about it in the comments
How many of you guys vape or smoke cigarettes?
Psychosis amiright?
Dose anybody get obsessed with the music they listen to?
I bonded with my friends girlfriend when we found out we were both schizoaffective bipolar type
I'm very depressed
What's a song that gets you emotional?
Helpful insightful videos or movies?
Bro do you even lithium?
Please don't turn my memes into a debate, they're just for fun
Weed strains that help your moods?
Is it just me?
I posted this and then deleted in within seconds yesterday, because I wanted to post it when I had achieved eight months sobriety.
How did cudi help you?
Your journey has just begun
First psychosis be like
I'm diagnosed with schizoaffective (bipolar + schizophrenia)