Arcus the Dead-Eye, Dragonborn ranger
PS5. W: Runes. H: karma
Who do y'all think would win?
PS5. W: Dryleaf arts and Dane’s Footwork,AoWs Palm Blast and Dryleaf Whirlwind, Runes. H: karma
PS5. W: Aristocrats headband, Divine bird warrior’s chest and gauntlets, Death knight greaves. H: karma
Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I always thought the Superior Ursine armor looked better than its upgrades
What are your go-to armor choices?
Shame we have to use accessories to put the hood down. Looks so much better
Which of my black/darker theme setups do you like the most?
What is your favorite song from the game soundtrack?
Ummmm……. whale….
Some of my favourite gear combos. Which do you like the most?
What’s the best looking gear set (or combination of gears)?
Caption this
Witcher Gear favourite, and why? I'll go first: 🐺
Which hood looks best?
A simple yet effective look. Gislaug, the Promised Arrow
What's your favorite song from the game?
What is your preferred hair/beard style for Geralt?
These two walk into your tavern and sit at your counter. What do you do?…
Who do you wish was marriageable in Skyrim, but isn't?
Which of my archer outfits look the best?
Which of my gear combinations are we liking the most?
Grandmaster Wolven Armor - The Best Looking In The Game
Best Outfit in the game!