It costs me 1161 caps to fire this thing for 5 seconds
Finding lost friends
Accidentally made a smoking Ad while saving my game
What the heck
A controversial opinion, maybe, but as somone who has played every single Fallout game, base building is NOT what I play Fallout for.
How many of you killed Travis in his house because he's too awkward just to find out that he's replaced by Sheng Kawolski's obnoxious self advertising?
Codsworth is the best follower.
Finally found a subreddit for me! Completed Vault-Tec DLC for the first time (Vault 88 Atrium)
What is up with Fallout 4?
That's a nice rack
If you have a Vault hallway leading to the edge of a cave, you can block it off with crates to have a natural end to the hallway
My minuteman build wasn’t getting a lotta love but i know you guys will love it.
Years Later, Hello MacCready.
Hey guys, just a little protip: All you're doing is setting yourselves up for disappointment by acting like a shrugging tweet from Obsidian means New Vegas 2/Obsidian Fallout is coming.
We all know who the REAL villain of Fallout 4 is.
Murkwater settlement
Fallout New Vegas but it's 8 bit edition. [OC]
How would this machine even work, or be practical?
"Just a flesh wound." Feral ghoul horde attacked Red Rocket and killed five settlers. He was one of the few survivors that couldn't get to high ground in time before the ghouls attacked, and now he's got the scars to tell the tale.
My small starter home/shack in Nuka World. Loving the location.
My first attempt at making a custom Nuka Cola bottle cap.
started modding my fallout 4 need suggestions
I’d never seen an NCR Ranger Funko POP, so I decided to make my own
Made some Fallout themed Lego minifigures!
Why can’t we smoke the cigarettes and cigars we find in the wasteland?