Grandparents said they had a spare laptop. Got home and unzipped a laptop from 1990.
End of kali yuga ?
Tabac a pipe
French canadian
Experiences Getting Through Mental Barriers?
What is something you think you could eat everyday for 3 straight months and never get sick of?
How does one spirituality interpret something like the Holocaust?
What does "using yesterdays pain as tomorrows perspective" mean to you?
Music that feeds the spirit
I’m a stoner medical doctor, ask me anything!
Hey salu (not a shitpost pour les fans de GruauDansLQ). Vous m'avez donner le gout d'aller voir et selfie avec l'édifice. Sur /10, ca vaut la peine?
What is something that instantly puts you in a good mood?
Reconnect with my inner self
Pourquoi esti 😭😭
What's the worst job you've ever had?
Can i ask how to heal so i don't feel stressed every morning?
Some more powerful heart wisdom (personal theory)
Pourquoi la télé québécoise est aussi nulle?
What is a thing you can recite from memory?
What couldn't you believe you had to explain to another adult?
L'Halloween s'en vient, faque j'vous ai faite c'montage inspiré du film Sinister, j'suis allé jusqu'à mette l'reflet dma main dans vitre dla bus pis toute pis toute
You get to choose one food with zero calories, which one would it be?
What happens if I don’t claim these Lucky boxes when the season restarts?
I’ll write you a short poem based on your Reddit name, AMA
Presenting the Spacaesar Sandwich