Just watched Vampire Hunter D and it's amazing
Who has the worse fanbase Gojo or Jinwoo?
Which one are you??
You are forced to gamble your entire lifesavings on this fight. Who do you bet on?
what's your favorite representation of the strongest?
Gimme anime recs, with this being my top 5 anime.
What are some forgotten 10/10 animes you rarely see people talk about
Is it weird to find this hot?
Is there a lore reason Gojo only needs one hand for his Domain?
Completed Animes
I’ve caught up to One Piece & I need something to fill the void.
Is S;G 0 a must-watch?
Are there any recent anime that’s really popular but you don’t rly get the hype? (Read desc)
Anime with romantic subplot
Kurozuka is such an underrated GEM! Anyone have similar recommendations?
Out of these three animes, which should I watch first?
Recommend anime based off my tier list
Anime’s with focus on study and education? Or self improvement?
Where would you rate Solo Leveling anime so far on a scale of 1-10?
What show is hated by many but popular nonetheless?
Want to watch anime in which the characters look like this
Good sad anime?
Recommended me some animes to watch based on what I have watched so far
What is your favorite fight that's not animated? I'll start
Are there any scenes as epic as this scene for early character intros with zero context?