Are there any drive-up donation centers in Tucson that aren't Goodwill or Salvation Army?
Here's a free-spinning cable/cord winder that reuses empty cardboard filament spools.
New Verizon fios router, now every remote connection to plex is indirect
I'm a sucker for a minimalist, front pocket, wallet.
Niche item: Intake Breathing Strip Travel Case
There are always this kind of people, who ruin everything for everyone
Green thumbs of Tucson: Please help me choose native plants
Grand Canyon Elevation Profiles - converting a GPS file into a 3D model!
Help save my trees!
Ugh, another cable winder?! Seriously??
Solving another minor inconvenience - drying reusable bags.
How to fix trim not covering hardibacker?
Fresh Canvas
My latest simple design - Shower Curtain Hook/Ring Hangers
My latest stupid-simple design: Shower Curtain Hook Hangers
Nothing flashy, just an Angle Grinder Disc Storage Box
Poor VO2 max for a veteran body builder
Planting Bamboo Between Walls?
This is how much lotion is left inside when it no longer pumps anything out
Here's my take on the Smart Funnel (aka, a bottle transfer funnel)
Underused Quotes?
Took a shot at recreating the Smart Funnel (aka, a bottle transfer funnel)