What’s a fuck up that you did in your jee prep that you absolutely regret?
Intimate Care Guide for the Boys 🩵
Gonna be soon in hisar 19M. Wonna have a review on the city
Which Song Made You Feel Like This?
Title is serious
22s1 tards are God's Fav Children
Tommorow will be releasing A help guide for u guys for 200 in JEE mains 2 for under 100 ppl.......... Stay TUned
Am I Cooked?
What do you guys watch on YouTube?
Thoughts on this
Am I stupid
got slut-shamed by a bus conductor
Please help me. Mene toh bas bola tha jee pr focus kro rather than attending events.
Today was the last day of school and I came home with a clean t shirt
Guys she said yes 🗣️🗣️🗣️
Why did my post got removed i just said jeeneetards is best subredit on the same subreddit (dont ban me i just want a answer)
To all those people out there who atleast got 70 marks in their first attempt.Dm me.I will make it atleast 150 in second attempt.
Brainwashing at it's peak
Dark Kota stories can heal me now
Please don't ban me
What should I do now? It’s difficult to move on, I’m 18F
Esaral Ads Op 🤡🤬
18f I guess u/jeeneetards won't be fit for this