Better Atlas Than Forstad?
In recovery, getting my wisdom teeth out
how to be around someone with an eating disorder?
i miss my ed
Origin of the Middle Earth Books
I find it hard to come to terms with one thing
A trivia question: Which three members of the Fellowship kept the same names all the way though the writing of LotR?
Struggling to maintain appetite
Are dietitians actually helpful?
Rediscovering old interests
Recovery wins
I'm a Hobbit... and it's made me appreciate the book even more
How has growing up changed your perspective on Tolkien's Books?
Sampling The History of LotR: The Return of the Shadow, Pt. 2/2
Follow up to the distribution of the rings question...
Birthday ideas
Buying new clothes during recovery
Triggered by friend's weight loss
An exhaustive analysis of "The Nameless Things", or "Why every post trying to define and explain the Nameless Things hurts my soul a little bit".
PSA Kobo Tolkien Books
I Want To Scream
How to ask friends for support in recovery?
recovery blues..