Bought an new toy... I mean tool. How much can it haul?
I got a picture with Chewie too!
Restaurant with smoking area
New construction- 4 story townhome. Can I remove part of this wall on first floor?
Solos Teaming
GRABO DCE592B $149 Lowes - March 20 only - also $300 CAD at Canadian Tire
TIL: they lock into the middle of the top 😛
Digging 18 inches deep for PVC pipe and saw this. Hello there
Aluminum Fence
Patching 7/8” Veneer Plaster
Is this one of those deals you guys keep finding?
Messed up
How to apply corner tape?
Should I replace the center Section of my studs or just replace the bent studs
Dumpster Fee??
Remodelers: are you okay with clients purchasing their own materials? Why or why not?
I quiting
Why is masked meadows always empty?
How would you tackle the hinge situation on this set up? The left hand side will be a door, and then two doors underneath the sink (please ignore plumbing, it's a temporary set up, but WH will most likely stay there). Face frames are 1.5".
Owner says lock cylinder and fuel lines need to be arranged to run, ran fine before those issues. wants $2500. Worth a shot?
Who would win in an all out fight?
Coworker telling others to run wire like this. Help give me proof if this is right or wrong?
Who runs dryer vents
1990 Firebird