What could it be?
If I leave my vizio tv idle, it plays calming nature video, calming music, and then loops a message from the trump admin telling illegal immigrants to gtfo over and over and over again.
What are you unintentionally really good at?
Redditors who got a "useless" Degree, how did it turn out?
Did I ended it to quick?
Which fictional "happily ever after" couple definitely breaks up, and why?
Who in their right mind bought tickets for Edinburgh?
What was the very first game you played on a PC?
The photographer who captured Trump’s head at this angle, 👌
Vapes on a Train
Whats a movie everyone loves but you can’t stand?
What would you do if you won the £166 million Euromillions Jackpot tonight?
For the 35-45 crowd, what was your first CD purchase?
Trump is inevitably going to invite the absolute worst Scottish personality to the White House for St. Andrews Day. Who will it be?
What job in the UK doesn't pay enough for the amount of work needed?
Do people actually focus better with music?
What's an artist/band that you initially blew off or just kind of liked based on their hits but blew your mind once discovered their backlog?
What’s a tv show from your childhood you swear nobody else watched?
Procon Simulator - Anyone Have Evidence Of This? All I Can Find Is ONE Image.
If Rangers merged with Celtic to form Glasgow United
Amazing reaction to proposal
What is your f*** everything song?
Goodbye gaming, my only hobby
Man Whose Daughter Died From Measles Stands By Failure To Vaccinate Her: “The Vaccination Has Stuff We Don’t Trust”