Legal Rules on Minors Staying Alone
F/23/5'6" [130lbs > 120lbs = 10lbs] (3 Months)
DUO schuld
Mijn mentale gezondheid gaat vanwege de woningcrisis kapot
Can I withdraw €100 banknotes in Belgium?
Fijne baan, maar geen uitzicht op een vast contract
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Jak dopadl/a nejoblibenejsi osoba z vasi skoly?
Een vriendin stuurt reels, maar beantwoordt mijn berichtjes niet
Jak se angažovat proti domrdané situaci s bydlením?
V servisu mi nejspíš zničili mobil
My landlord doesn’t allow me to control the heating, is that legal?
Sumatriptan injections.. the good the bad the ugly?
Amsterdam: The Ultimate Bust...No WOZ, No EL, 70sqm...asking 2950/mnd...bustable to 646 least thats what it would be if the damn thing was not a boathouse and totally immune to rent regulation.....
Rare mail, zegt dat die mij gehackt heeft.
Which legal insurance for busting?
Called an ambulance tonight. They called back to say there were none.
Landlord wants to smoke me out to sell the apartment
Struggling with mental health care in the Netherlands
Pov se Češi neumíte nasrat?
What is the name of this closet?
Landlord entered my apartment without my consent
Can I paint my apartment white?
Beyond the Affordable rent act
Co se od nás Čechů může zbytek světa učit?