Get ready to be priced out
What is the biggest conspiracy theory you believe is true 100% to the point no one change your mind?
Anybody else?
Something has happened to me, seemingly overnight, and I don't know what to do about it.
Can someone explain what a cold wallet is and how it works like I'm 5 years old
Confusion about the story of Adam and Eve
I seriously need help
Relapsed after 94 days… I don’t know how to feel. I made it 94 days.
So… uh… we still cool with Nelly?
if you don't see INZO at Roo this year your missing out
How is the quality of your sleep being a type 1?
My phone addiction is messing with my energy, please help
just a friendly reminder that you are loved and you matter 💚💚💚
Hit my record of 12 days guys
Type 1Diabetics and fasting
Do you ever feel like a superhero?
Any recommendations?? 🫶🏻
guys idk what the fuck to do anymore
Pain free after 3 years of horrible nerve pain from lumbar facet syndrome
What is something you didn’t bring last year that you’re most DEF bringing this year?
alcohol and weed disconnecting me to the Spirit
I finally get it. After searching for the “truth” for so long I finally understand
I can't live like this, Iam getting progressively more hopeless and suicidal, help
One of the ultimate psyops is the gender divide.