I’m not sure if this qualifies as “advanced” but here’s my MG RX-79G
Sooo Pumped!
Pumped For This! Any tips from anyone who built it?
Gona be a fun month!
Should we set the nightdesks to be Sith or Jedi?
Finished Vidar!
Pc x gunpla
Finished Vidar
Hg Hi-Zack paint job
Look at the details of this thing. What a beauty. Wish Bandai HG have details like this.
Vidar finished!
Eh, close enough
Just finished this fella
Launch pad or just an elevated structure. Anyway, I have the high ground. Don't try it.
Not a long time ago in a galaxy too far away, this Leo discovered his true calling
shoulders and arms!
MGSD Wing Zero EW Custom Done
Was told I should post my build here.
HG 1/144 Vidar In Progress!
HG 1/144 Vidar Work In Progress!
Custom HG Zaku II F2 Fireteam
The RX-78(G)E Gundam EX high grade, high grade by name but not by nature.
Gouf & Greenery
Blades Done!