If they knew...
Gravity: 1, Man: 0
Is it even possible to "catch up"?
I dare you >:3
What is that thing?
You can lead a horse to water...
What’s he singing?
I dunno who do I have the closest hair to?
Panicked and flailing
What do these dots mean?
What do we call these guitars?
Beginner's Guide
What type of octopus is this
I’m feeling down, ama :/
I know the perfect song for this
What two countries are these?/
What is this supposed to mean?
Is this blue juice fake?
can this big kitty cat take a seat
Welp ☠️
What topic should I cover?
Fade to Balls
Roses are red, some say jesus calls,
Whom do you select as ler??
Thrash metal songs that changes mood and tempo in the middle of the song?
Ever been sat on in the shower?