Why communists don't fear death?
What character type do you think Tim will become next?
Can somebody explain how Marxists can be religious? I genuinely don't understand.
Home made Faggots my Father in Law made.
Libs: Trump can't just annex other countries. Also libs:
Fort id get to naitur and away from tha suthern fairies, forrin muck and wokies, appy Sunday fellas 🍻
What do I do with this?
What dinners do you have each week?
Ah yes, schools = "Anti Semitism"
Knowing what we know now, this makes way more sense that Toni didn't want to cooperate with the DA because she was being an idiot rather than talking to the DA because of threats.
My mum's nextdoor neighbour died tonight
How long did she cry for exactly?
Found at Museum of fine arts Boston
'ow bad is that
Another round of cryptic shite
“I told you not to talk with Toni!”
The Face of Liberal Zionism
The Amato group strikes again
Victoria Goodwin hired a hitman to kill her husband because she was in love with Grant Amato, who is in prison for killing his family over an obsession with a Bulgarian camgirl
Is there a good reason to not buy a 50lb bag of hi-gluten flour?
Liberals really have no spine
Leave the russians alone, man. The russian citizens are great people.
The liberal idea of diversity:
Instagrams greatest minds at work
Communists keep people uneducated