My (very long) millennial love story
How many of you are obsessed with cats (cars)
Mango Pastry and Mango Cheesecake at Deliure
Do you want kids in today's world? Why or why not?
Thought I’d share this: Wholesomeness peaked at Mumbai locals
Is it ok to ask partner about their BC? 26M
Girlies drop your skincare tips🎀
I(42 M) have run out of ideas to convey to my wife(35 F) that being at a healthy weight is key to a good marriage and longevity
I miss my husband
I just can't deal with MIL.
is true that painkillers for period cramps are bad for u?
Married women who did not take their husband’s last name, what do you intend on doing for your kid’s last name?
In what ways is your husband a good son in law?
What's the Most Bizarre Way You Met Your Partner? Tell It Like You're Telling Your Kid
What's a Bollywood rumour you think is 100% true but can't prove??
CF couple have you ever had baby fever?
Memories of a Holi almost two decades ago
Isn't it annoying how women have SO many exclusive marital symbols but men have none?
What’s a book that completely broke your brain—in a good way?
What kind of menstrual hygiene products do you prefer to use and why? (story time)
I got a haircut exactly like I wanted!
Thick thigh ladies, I seek your help.
Recently adopted this gorgeous girl, and nothing makes me happier than waking up to her every morning! ❤️🐾
What are some small, intimate things men can do that women like?
Such a dumb post. 😂
Some childfree people are insufferable