I lost to my keyholder u/only-you-57 at chess. If i would have won my chastity time would be halved. Now you get another Chance to Add to it.
tell me your size for a quick humiliation
I'm wondering if you would be a girlfriend or a boyfriend. tell me your size
Tell me the size of your clitty with an emoji loser
I need a laugh. Tell me your size, and if I’m entertained, I’ll humiliate you 🤭😂🪱💋
U/sister_sam Beat me at C4 now i have to slap my Balls as punishment. Please don't Go to hard on me
U/only-you-57 Beat me in battleships. Now i will stay in chastity for them as Long as you want.
Tell me your size and I'll tell you where you can cum :)
Tell me the size of your pathetic cock and you will receive a quick humiliation
tell me your size and i'll tell you for how long i'll keep your dick locked up 😈
I lost to u/only-you-57 at battleships. Now i must stay locked for a day, for every cm of your dick size. Womens cocks Add Double the time
I lost to u/only-you-57 at C4. Now i have to slap my Balls 10 Times per upvote and 25 Times per comment. For every comment from a Woman i squeeze them for a minute as well.
U/only-you-57 Beat me at C4. Please make me His stupid Edge slut. Send me a Lot of porn and make it hard to Edge to please. I have to Edge to everything.
I lost to u/only-you-57 in a Game of C4. I am His goon slut. He wants me toedge once per upvote and twice per comment. I also have to Edge to every picture you send me and do 1 Edge for every 10 minutes of Video you send me. Make them hard for me to Edge to.
U/sister_sam Beat me at battleships. He wants to make me His goonslut. No i have to masturbate for 5 minutes per upvote/comment without cuming. If you send me porn i have to watch it all and masturbate to it as well, No Matter what
If you tell me your size you will be surprised by my punishment
tell me your cock size and ill give an honest review
Comment porn please! Even If it's your Most humiliating fetish i will watch it.
U/sister_sam Made me His goonslut. Now i have to watch all the porn. I can't cum untill i watched everything
Send me anything, i have to watch it No Matter where i am right now. I will be in Public for the next 2 hours for some extra fun
I want something to laugh about, so tell me the size of your penis.
I lost another Game of battleships to u/only-you-57. Now you send me any porn in my dms or in the comments and i have to watch it No Matter where i am right now, as soon possible (will be in Public for the next 2 hours)
Send me as much porn as possible please
U/sister_sam Beat me in 2 Games of C4. Now i am His Edge slut. Please humiliate and degeade me in the comments
I lost a Bet. Now you can upvote to make me an Edge slut. Make your kinks my kinks