What model pedal is this?
Best IEM's?
Ambient music that reminds you of nature?
Sparks podcast
Bands you feel lucky to have seen that are no longer together?
Are paid memberships worth it?
What’s a movie you recommend to everyone but no one’s heard of?
Which horror movie has the best opening scene that immediately hooked you?
In my headcanon there is no 'Mrs Columbo'
Top 5 audio dramas
Good cheap sticks in 2025?
What do you watch Columbo on?
what‘s your favorite pokemon and why?
I think whichever version of The Ring 1 you watch first, you'll think it is the best.
Name a bad with ONLY 1 good album
Drumming crisis question
Examples of good feel/taste vs bad feel/taste?
Immersive comedy podcasts
I’m looking for a movie, that shouldn’t make you happy.
Gabriel-Collins vocal similarities?
Which audio drama actors have played the most dramatically different, diverse roles?
Kit sharing for gigs
What are the best terrifying movies that are not in the ‘horror’ genre?