What will happen to the Southwest pilots who almost took off from a taxiway at MCO?
Why no toll roads
A pilot reluctantly makes an extremely tough call and cancels the flight because of some alarming signs on the aircraft
My Aunt asking the important questions
The downfall of most fast food is completely self inflicted.
Rate my rudder
This happened today. Can someone tell me what that is called? I know nothing about cars...
Why is the autistic lifespan so short?
Parkway Towers to be razed for 6 story residential and commercial space
My plan to unfuck up traffic on I-24.
On my check ride, how am I doing?
How realistic would it be to get my ppl in 3 months over the summer?
Imagine being a captain, having a FO on his first trip, and have him ask you to film him an intro
Can an FAA expert confirm or deny this?
State Troopers are out
What do people in their 30s and beyond do after work? Especially those of you who are without kids - how do you spend your free time?
Can you put missiles on it?
First Haven Box Used on Bonny Oaks
Will allergies disqualify me from getting a class 1 medical? Does anybody have experiences with allergies and faa medicals?
Keep your eyes peeled for this chomo
Report of a potential measles case at Currey Ingram Academy
Job market sucks
How soon do I need to change this tire?
Millennials, what's y'all plan for retirement?
Why does ending things with your instructor feel like a breakup bruh