Weekly Discussion and Tech-Support Thread
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Wanting to properly store boxes - can these be put in a basement safely?
Can anyone help me with who this is? Won in a skill tester
Won her in a skilltester, anyone know what she's from?
Water fruit trees?
White calcified growth on Dog Nail
Just arrived at my airbnb in Sao Paulo at 3am. Host is obviously also and support is useless
Can't sign out
AITA for leaving my place of work because of the owner?
AITA for skipping out on my SIL's "child free" wedding?
What are everyone’s unpopular opinions?
How should we spell our babies name?
Will hiring the drow twins ruin your relationship: a guide
Just got back from 6 months overseas and WHAT THE FUCK COLES
The one with the romantic RP gone wrong
What boneheaded stuff did you realise late?
What are some quotes that really stood out to you?
My wife refuses to let me use any protection and I am frantic and concerned
I think y'all will enjoy this story of an odd coincidence with my kids names
What product was so poorly designed that you suspect the team that made it, never used the product?
AITA for telling my sister I was the “golden kid” since she couldn’t do anything right
Dead Githyanki Quest (Act 2)
my partner is out of town and I had another man sleepover
19 year old fatally shot a homeless woman. 20 minutes before the shooting, he wrote that he was going "hobo hunting" in a group chat.