Does it matter what rank you are?
question about the equine doom reloading animation
THE VETERAN ( also sorry if I can't get a good shot... )
Klandma thinks the world be a better place today if the Jews had been killed off
Here Me Out
This Is my fan cast of [Wolfenstein]
Some of you REALLY need to see this.
You idiot! You weren’t supposed to eat the ____!
in light if recent events
smile lines (im 12) (i look so ugly here's a picture
Who has unlocked these?
Just got my first +100 Super Credit pickup, this is how it felt
Forget nerfs and buffs. Which Hellpod do y’all always pick given the choice?
To remove nostril hair
How many tries did it take for you to kill / beat the Rat King section?
It's been 5 years since the game release, and we're still discussing the controversy. Given the time that's passed, how would you rate it now, from 1 to 10?
What is your Avatar's Nationality?
“Comedic timing”
What's ur avatars problem or sickness or even disability?
High level players make it impossible to play
Seen some other people do this so I’m gonna rate your avatars
sO mUcH fOr tHe ToLeRaNt LeFt
Is the joke just racism?
Don't want to spark anymore conflict between subreddits, but is this normal?